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Joy[_3_] March 6th 17 06:46 PM

Is anybody there?
I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

Robert Catt March 6th 17 07:08 PM

Is anybody there?

"Joy" wrote in message ...

I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

I wondered that too, Joy - until I saw this post of yours!

Sjouke Burry[_2_] March 6th 17 08:01 PM

Is anybody there?
On 06.03.17 20:08, Robert Catt wrote:

"Joy" wrote in message ...

I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

I wondered that too, Joy - until I saw this post of yours!

About one or two daily, check your provider.

Oh and give scratch to your feline master(s).

Joy[_3_] March 6th 17 08:11 PM

Is anybody there?
On 3/6/2017 12:01 PM, Sjouke Burry wrote:
On 06.03.17 20:08, Robert Catt wrote:

"Joy" wrote in message ...

I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this

I wondered that too, Joy - until I saw this post of yours!

About one or two daily, check your provider.

Oh and give scratch to your feline master(s).

I'm glad to know somebody still checks in.

Scratches duly given. The same to yours.

Koala needs a kitten! He really needs a playmate. Unfortunately, I
don’t think either Pickles or I are up to a kitten right now.

jmcquown[_2_] March 6th 17 11:04 PM

Is anybody there?
On 3/6/2017 1:46 PM, Joy wrote:
I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this

I've been posting. Haven't gotten any replies.


Lesley Madigan March 7th 17 09:01 AM

Is anybody there?
On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 6:46:42 PM UTC, Joy wrote:
I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

I still look in every day or so. My hunt for a kitten (or two) hasn't produced any results yet (almost twice) and once that happens I will have something to report. For the moment it's just Bonnie and me and she's fine


Slave of the Fabulous Furball

John Kasupski March 11th 17 12:44 PM

Is anybody there?
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 10:46:39 -0800, Joy wrote:

I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

I'm still here. I just haven't had much to say, I I've been doing
other things, and of course as soon as I come over to the computer and set my
coffee cup down on the table, Minnie goes into "Play with me" mode, because it
makes me a stationary target for her attention. I'm lucky to get halfway through
my list of subscribed newsgroups before there's a cat standing directly between
the monitor screen and my face with a rawhide shoelace in her mouth, and often
with her paws on my hands, making it quite difficult to use the keyboard. She
will also start pushing things toward the edge of the table - with the obvious
message being that she's going to start stealing things unless I pay attention
to her. She never gets up here and knocks things off the table when I'm not
sitting here and she's got her tail wagging like a dog the whole time, so it's
entirely an attention-getting ploy, and very effective. When she runs out of
things to knock off the table she will go behind my radios and actually pretend
to be chewing on the power cords and antenna feedlines. She never messes with
that stuff when I'm not around either, but she starts deliberately doing naughty
things like that because she knows I won't call her bluff and let her go on when
she's threatening to separate a $1500 (when it was new) HF rig from its antenna
some 75 feet away in my back yard. The feedline's too expensive to have to keep
replacing in case she ever follows through on her threat.

Of course, by the time she resorts to that, she's already pushed several of my
pens onto the floor - along with my Bic lighter, and the spare AA batteries for
my camera, and anything else that's shiny - then yanked a sheet of facial tissue
out of the box and dropped that onto the floor as well. As soon as that sheet of
tissue goes overboard, we both know her next target will be the radios, and she
will actually stop and turn around to look at me while standing on top of one of
my HF rigs, as if to say, "Last chance, human - play with me now or the Kenwoods
will suffer the consequences!"

John D. Kasupski
Niagara Falls, NY

Joy[_3_] March 12th 17 12:45 AM

Is anybody there?
On 3/11/2017 4:44 AM, John Kasupski wrote:
On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 10:46:39 -0800, Joy wrote:

I haven't seen a post since March 3. Has everybody deserted this newsgroup?

I'm still here. I just haven't had much to say, I I've been doing
other things, and of course as soon as I come over to the computer and set my
coffee cup down on the table, Minnie goes into "Play with me" mode, because it
makes me a stationary target for her attention. I'm lucky to get halfway through
my list of subscribed newsgroups before there's a cat standing directly between
the monitor screen and my face with a rawhide shoelace in her mouth, and often
with her paws on my hands, making it quite difficult to use the keyboard. She
will also start pushing things toward the edge of the table - with the obvious
message being that she's going to start stealing things unless I pay attention
to her. She never gets up here and knocks things off the table when I'm not
sitting here and she's got her tail wagging like a dog the whole time, so it's
entirely an attention-getting ploy, and very effective. When she runs out of
things to knock off the table she will go behind my radios and actually pretend
to be chewing on the power cords and antenna feedlines. She never messes with
that stuff when I'm not around either, but she starts deliberately doing naughty
things like that because she knows I won't call her bluff and let her go on when
she's threatening to separate a $1500 (when it was new) HF rig from its antenna
some 75 feet away in my back yard. The feedline's too expensive to have to keep
replacing in case she ever follows through on her threat.

Of course, by the time she resorts to that, she's already pushed several of my
pens onto the floor - along with my Bic lighter, and the spare AA batteries for
my camera, and anything else that's shiny - then yanked a sheet of facial tissue
out of the box and dropped that onto the floor as well. As soon as that sheet of
tissue goes overboard, we both know her next target will be the radios, and she
will actually stop and turn around to look at me while standing on top of one of
my HF rigs, as if to say, "Last chance, human - play with me now or the Kenwoods
will suffer the consequences!"

John D. Kasupski
Niagara Falls, NY

They do a good job of training us, don't they? When Koala wants me to
play with him, he usually waits until I'm walking from one room to
another. Then he gets in front of me and slows down or stops so I
nearly fall over him. Once he knows he has my attention, he will
usually lead me to the toy he wants to be used. Pickles is usually
above that sort of thing, although she will occasionally go for the
feather-on-a stick, if I'm playing with Koala, that is.

John Kasupski March 12th 17 12:01 PM

Is anybody there?
On Sat, 11 Mar 2017 16:45:31 -0800, Joy wrote:

They do a good job of training us, don't they? When Koala wants me to
play with him, he usually waits until I'm walking from one room to
another. Then he gets in front of me and slows down or stops so I
nearly fall over him. Once he knows he has my attention, he will
usually lead me to the toy he wants to be used. Pickles is usually
above that sort of thing, although she will occasionally go for the
feather-on-a stick, if I'm playing with Koala, that is.

Yup, I remember from past times when there was more than one cat in the house
that sometimes the quickest way to get one cat's attention is to start playing
with another cat and let jealousy work in your favor. Nobody wants to feel left
out, I guess - not even a cat. :-)

Minnie does that bit with getting underfoot in the morning when I get up and
come downstairs - but she thinks ahead. While I'm asleep, she's busy down here
planting a toy someplace she knows I have to walk by to get to the kitchen. As
soon as I get up and head downstairs, she'll race ahead of me (she can spot me
half the staircase and still easily beat me to the bottom), hide near where the
toy has been planted, and when I get there she'll jump out from her hiding place
and force me to stop there.

It's cute and annoying at the same time. At least she leaves the toy in plain
sight so I can anticipate her pending assault on my feet, assuming I'm awake
enough to notice the catnip-scented mouse or the rawhide shoelace on the floor
just ahead. Unfortunately, that's not guaranteed. Some mornings my brain seems
as if it doesn't want to function at all. I'm glad she doesn't plant toys on the
staircase and go after my feet on the way down, or she might end up sending me
to the hospital (or the morgue).

However, on one such morning when my brain wasn't working, Minnie rescued me
from ending up with a terminally burned-out coffee pot, so I'm happy to have her
around even when just making my morning coffee is too complicated.

John D. Kasupski
Niagara Falls, NY

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