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Old January 7th 19, 04:08 AM posted to
Dan Mahoney[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 173
Default Ranger Roadcat Reports, Jan 4 through 6 2019

Da last few days haf been furry busy! On Wednesday a bunch of strangers showed up and started taking stuff out of da downstairs of da house. Paw was workin wif dem, so I figgered it was ok, but I still kepted an eye on demm. On Fursday Paw locked all of usses kitties in Harri's room in da downstairs, an da moving people camed back and taked efurryfing out of da upstairs. Us kitties of course ghosted out to keep an eye on what was going on and to make sure dat dey didn't discover any of da Community secret stores. Dey lefted a old futon pad, so Paw and Meowmie moved it to da lifing room and slept dere dat night.

Friday Meowmie an Paw was working ALL DAY getting da howse cleaned up! Dey called a company dat sent a truck to carry off da stuff dat dey was throwing away. It tooked LOTS and LOTS of supervision! Paw had planned to be done wif efurrything by noon, but we din't ackchooly get done until 8:00 at night. When it was time for us to leave da old howse, Paw stuffed all of kitties into bokses! Da NERVE! Me an Sammy got sticked into a big goggie crate wif a lidder box. Meowmie an Paw tooked forever to find Francesca. Efen through dere was no furniture in da howse, it tooked dem half an hour to find Frannie. He was hiding behind a curtain downstairs. Her got stuffed into a wire crate wif a lidder bokse. Me an Ranger din't like being crowded, so we was growling an hissing a lot. Paw din't want to lissen to dat al day, so him moved Sammy info anuffer wire crate aleft me alone in da goggie crate. Dey loaded Sammy an Frannie into da back of Meowmie's car, and putted me an Starr da Goggie in da back seat, an tied Meowmie's walker onto da top of da car. We lefted at 8:00 PM.

We stopped at a fast food place fur dinner. I singed da songs of mine peeple A LOT, an da goggy wasn't comforrble eifur. Her din't haf room to lie down.