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Old January 1st 06, 04:17 PM posted to
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Default Mine gudness, we need a surprize party!

Anyhow, since Paw was on da road in da metalmonster last year, we sort of
missed what should have been her DOC purrday party. But mine brofur and
sisfurs sort of figgered we could gif Cleocatra a surprise DOC purrday
party a year late - dis weekend. So pleeze nokitty tell Cleocatra, but we
thinked dat we could do a surprise party fur her, since all da kitties is
here at da chateau.


Well, Cleo an TV is inna dining rum, so letz all go into da ballroom an we
can hide behind furniture and stuff soz we can all meow "surprise" when
her walks in. An I fink dat we haz lotza kitty toys and stuff in our
store-room bak at da howse, so if anykitty wants a purresent to gif Cleo
you can 'port to our place and pick one out. An I just aske da chefs at da
restaurant and dey is porting over right now wif a special big purrday

[There's a big rush of kitties into the ballroom, where everybody hides
under or behind furniture, on top of cabinets, under throws, or wherever
else suits their fancy. Somekitty thinks to turn off the light switch. The
birthday is wheeled into the middle of the room and the candles are

Cleo and TV notice that things have fallen quiet, so stroll into the
hallway to find out if anything is wrong. Not seeing the expected crowd of
kitties, they go to investigate. TV notices that the ballroom is dark
except for low flickering lights and points that out to Cleo. They walk
into the ballroom to investigate. As they approach the cake, somekitty
flips on the lights and everbody meows...]

"Happy purrday to you, happy purrday to you,
happy purrday Mrs. Cleo, happy purrday to you!"

[Cleo turns to TV and gives him a smooch, then glances at everybody else
with a silly grin on her face. She notices that the cake says "Happy DOC
Purrday" and tears of joy come to her eyes.]

Cleo: Thank you all. I really appreciate everykitty doing this.