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Old October 8th 14, 08:35 PM posted to
Sundance and/or Rebecca
external usenet poster
Posts: 625
Default Jellicle Ball 2014: The Ball begins

Fangu, Mau, Morgana, an Aed fur dat bootiful openin to dis yeer'z Jellicle Ball. On behaf uv RPCC, I welkumz efurrywun. I iz espeshully glad to welkum da aminalz uv Yosemite National Park and uv Cat Valley, most uv hoo haz nevver bin to a Jellicle Ball befur. Dey is kindly allowin ussez to use dere home fur da Ball dis yeer, an on furry short notiss, and we fangkz dem fur dat.

Sum uv yoo mite not know abowt da Jellicle Ball. It is when we gatherz to rememfur owrown luvved wunz dat haz leeved dis whirled in the past yeer. We gatherz wif mixed emoshunz, happee to be togedder, but sad bekuz we missez doze hoo iz no longer wif ussez. An yet, we knowz we will see dem agin bekuz dey iz waitin fur ussez at da Rainbow Bridge, whare we will also go wun day.

Dis yeer, I will also be takin sum time to fingk abowt aminalz hoo haz got lostid or stolded frum dere wuntwoohomez. Efurry day, dere iz noo reportz uv dis. Deze aminalz may nevver see dere hoominz agin, an we may nevver know dere fate. I invitez awl uv yoo to joyn me in wishin dat dey are well an happee, wharever dey iz.

Now I will deskribe the rest uv owr planned eventz. In a fyoo momintz, Azad will onner ussez by reedin da namez uv dis yeer'z Jellicle onnereez. Dis iz da most impurrtint part uv owrown serrymoniez heer. Followin dat, Pit2nya will reed ussez a pome. Den enneeone hoo wud like is welkum to kum to da stage an giv a tribyoot to ennee uv dis yeer'z onnereez. (We uzually put eech tribyoot in itz own thred.) If yoo giv a tribyoot to somewun hoo wuz not on da list, dere name will be added an inkloodid in da final kallin uv namez at da end uv da Ball. Yoo kan stay in da amfitheater an lissen to tribyoots, but yoo kan also go to da bankwit area, whare yoo kan hav sumfing to eet an vizzit wif frenz. Dere are speekerz dere so yoo kan still heer da tribyoots. Dere will also be an area fur mewzik an dancin. Later on, if Bast seez fit, we will be abul to breefly see da Rainbow Bridge in the sky, wif sum uv owrown luvved onez lukkin down at ussez. Doze kitteez hoo knowz da werdz iz welkum to sing Cat Anjil wif ussez.

After dat, Azad will onner ussez wuntz mor, wif da final Callin uv da Namez.. Dat will konklood da offishul partz uv da Jellicle Ball, but pleez rememfur dat kitteez an doze dat we sharez dis nite wif are not kunfined by da limitz uv time like hoominz are. Da Jellicle Ball kan go on fur sum time, mor dan whut hoominz fingk uv az one nite, an we kan return to ennee part uv da Ball dat we wantz. Befur yoo leevz, pleez sine da Gest Buk, which will be in a sepurrit thred.

Wifowt furder ado, we will now lissen to Azad an da Callin uv da Namez.