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Old January 7th 19, 06:39 PM posted to
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Default Ranger Roadcat Reports, Jan 4 through 6 2019

On 1/6/2019 11:08 PM, Dan Mahoney wrote:

Da last few days haf been furry busy! On Wednesday a bunch of strangers showed up and started taking stuff out of da downstairs of da house. Paw was workin wif dem, so I figgered it was ok, but I still kepted an eye on demm. On Fursday Paw locked all of usses kitties in Harri's room in da downstairs, an da moving people camed back and taked efurryfing out of da upstairs. Us kitties of course ghosted out to keep an eye on what was going on and to make sure dat dey didn't discover any of da Community secret stores. Dey lefted a old futon pad, so Paw and Meowmie moved it to da lifing room and slept dere dat night.

Friday Meowmie an Paw was working ALL DAY getting da howse cleaned up! Dey called a company dat sent a truck to carry off da stuff dat dey was throwing away. It tooked LOTS and LOTS of supervision! Paw had planned to be done wif efurrything by noon, but we din't ackchooly get done until 8:00 at night. When it was time for us to leave da old howse, Paw stuffed all of kitties into bokses! Da NERVE! Me an Sammy got sticked into a big goggie crate wif a lidder box. Meowmie an Paw tooked forever to find Francesca. Efen through dere was no furniture in da howse, it tooked dem half an hour to find Frannie. He was hiding behind a curtain downstairs. Her got stuffed into a wire crate wif a lidder bokse. Me an Ranger din't like being crowded, so we was growling an hissing a lot. Paw din't want to lissen to dat al day, so him moved Sammy info anuffer wire crate aleft me alone in da goggie crate. Dey loaded Sammy an Frannie into da back of Meowmie's car, and putted me an Starr da Goggie in da back seat, an tied Meowmie's walker onto da top of da car. We lefted at 8:00 PM.

We stopped at a fast food place fur dinner. I singed da songs of mine peeple A LOT, an da goggy wasn't comforrble eifur. Her din't haf room to lie down.

After a hour or 2 Meowmie an Paw decided dat da goggie an I bof needed more room so dey letted me out of da goggie crate to ride in da back seat wif Starr. It was much betterer! Dey tied da goggie crate to da top of da car wif Meowmie's walker. And I could walk on da console between da seats and bisit wif Meowmie an Paw. We drived south along Innerstate 55, and got to see lots of neat places. We wented past da Dixie Truckers Home, which I remember from one of our Adbentures.

We stopped every couple hours to let da goggie out to use her outdoor lidder box. I din't haf a lidder box, so at one of dere gas stops Paw getted a plastic jug of lidder out of da trailer, laid it on it's side, and cut it in half and turned it into a lidder box. I getted mine furry own hand-crafted lidder box!

As we was drifing along, we seed some inneresting fings. We wented past a long line of blinking red lights. Meowmie looked it up online and said it was a wind turbine farm. I knew dat it was one of da many power generating sites dat power da kitty teleportation network, but I am pleezed to report dat da hoomins still don't know. I 'ported over an had a chat wif da kitties on dooty, an dey was all hard at work. I will share a report on dat in a few days.

When was going past Springfield I decided dat Paw needed some driving help, so I climbed into hims lap. I snuggle wif him an sat where I could look out da window. I watched where we were an told him when we had to turn, and kept an eye on da offur drivers. Paw had to drive slowly, since him was towing a trailer. It was furry, furry tiring but we helpeded each offur.

After a few hours Paw getted tired an Meowmie tooked over driving. Paw laid his seat way back an getted comfortable, and I stretched out on him's lap. Paw slept fur a couple hours, so I had to keep extra vigilant to keep all of usses in da car safe. An I had to help Meowmie navigate too. By dis time we had getted off of da Innerstate an were on a state highway going fru Missouri. Affer a couple hours Meowmie asked Oaw if him was up to driving again, as her was getting tired. Dey stopped at a gas station at a liddle town ion Missouri. Paw tooked da goggie for a walk and Meowmie wented into da store to use da bafroom. Dey lefted da car an da trailer unprotected, so all of us kitties had to chip in. Sammy an Francesca 'ported out dere cages, and we walked patrol of da inside of da car an of da trailer to keep it all safe. When I saw Paw and Starr walking back to da car, I signalled efurryone and Sammy and Frannie 'ported back into dere cages. KI is embarassed to admit dat Paw getted back faster dan I 'spected - him catched me in da back of da car between da back seat and da cages. I let him fing dat I was trapped so dat him could "rescue" me.

Den Paw went into da store to go do da bafroom, and him camed back wif a slice of pizza. When Meowmie and Paw an Starr an all of usses kitties was all safely in place in da car, we pulled out again. Paw needed my help wif driviiiing an navigating again, so once again I rised to da challenge an helped him.

Around 6 in da morning we was on da next Innerstate headed for Kansas City, so I figgered dat I was finally safe to do some relaxing. I stretched out across Paw's lap, and I sleeped fur a hooour or so. Sammy and Franny taked over dat oversight duties, and made sure dat we was going da right way. We finally getted to da hotel about 8:00 AM - 12 hours after we lefted da old howse! Meowmie an Paw bringed us all up into da hotel room and set us up in da bigger bedroom. Paw an Meowmie bof took showers (for which we was furry grateful - dey was bof stinky) and taked a nap. I snuggled wif dem to help dem fall asleep, while Sammy and Franny purtended to be hiding while dey was ackchooly doing a detailed inspection of da room.

Tomorrow Meowmie an Paw haf to empty da trailer into a storage space dey is renting, den turn in da trailer, den start looking for a place to live. Dey haf to find us a howse in or near Kansas City dat is purrfect for hoomins an Kitties an da goggie. Is gonna be a busy week! Den Paw has to go to orientation fur hims new job on Furrsday an Friday.

I will post more reports on our adbentures during da week. Until den, efurryone be safe!

You are having quite the adventure helping your mommy and paw moving and
seeing a lot of interesting things. Good thing you helped them navigate
so they didn't get lost.

Lucy Lu